KSNO Announcement

  • Recommendations regarding House Bill Substitute for Senate Bill No. 287

    Dear Kansas School Nurses, 

    I am aware that some of you have reached out to the Kansas Board of Nursing for guidance regarding your practice considering a bill that was passed and went into effect July 1, 2024. Like the Kansas Board of Nursing, Kansas School Nurses Organization cannot provide legal advice. However, we can recommend what you can do to comply with this law. 

    It is recommended that you present this information to the administration of your school district or agency and ask for the assistance of legal counsel to make sure that your current consents will qualify to protect in all areas of concern. Written consent is ideal and when you are unsure, I would recommend that you contact parents and document the conversation either verbatim or as close to verbatim as possible the nature of the concern, the recommendation and the verbal consent to any treatment, testing or medications that are provided during a specific visit including date and time.

    This is only a portion of the bill which has created concern of parental consent in schools. Legal counsel will be able to locate and review the bill from this information. See bill as attached URL. 


    Angela Anderson RN

    President, Kansas School Nurses Organization