KSNO Announcements

  • KSDE Wellness Wednesday Webinars in February

    Join KSDE for the "Wellness Wednesdays" webinar series in February.  A one-hour Zoom session will be offered each Wednesday morning in February with topics aimed at assisting Kansas school wellness committees in implementing wellness policies and creating healthier school environments. This year's theme is Heart Health.  Sessions will be from 9:30 to 10:30 am.  Stay tuned for more details!

     Please share this information with those in your district involved in your district wellness plans. 

  • Have something you would like to share with other Kansas school Nurses??

    The planning committee of the 2025 Annual Statewide Summer Conference for Kansas School Nurses is accepting proposals for presentations at next summer's conference in Wichita. 

    Do you have a topic to share? Do you know someone who would be a great speaker? Click on the link for more information and to submit your idea.

  • Save the Date! 2025 Summer Conference!

    2025 Annual Statewide Summer Conference for Kansas School Nurses

    • New Nurse Orientation July 21-22, 2025
    • General Conference July 22-24, 2025

    Wichita, KS

    More information to come!

  • Recommendations regarding House Bill Substitute for Senate Bill No. 287

    Dear Kansas School Nurses, 

    I am aware that some of you have reached out to the Kansas Board of Nursing for guidance regarding your practice considering a bill that was passed and went into effect July 1, 2024. Like the Kansas Board of Nursing, Kansas School Nurses Organization cannot provide legal advice. However, we can recommend what you can do to comply with this law. 

    It is recommended that you present this information to the administration of your school district or agency and ask for the assistance of legal counsel to make sure that your current consents will qualify to protect in all areas of concern. Written consent is ideal and when you are unsure, I would recommend that you contact parents and document the conversation either verbatim or as close to verbatim as possible the nature of the concern, the recommendation and the verbal consent to any treatment, testing or medications that are provided during a specific visit including date and time.

    This is only a portion of the bill which has created concern of parental consent in schools. Legal counsel will be able to locate and review the bill from this information. See bill as attached URL. 


    Angela Anderson RN

    President, Kansas School Nurses Organization

  • 2024 Summer EBT Application Deadline Extended

    In partnership with the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), the Department for Children and Families (DCF) identified more than 117,300 Kansas school-aged children who were eligible to receive benefits to offset the cost of groceries during the summer break. The families of these children were automatically issued benefits in July. Families who didn’t receive Summer EBT benefits but believe they have an eligible child may apply through the DCF online self-service portal at https://www.dcfapp.kees.ks.gov/apspssp/sspNonMed.portal. The 2024 Summer EBT application deadline has been extended to Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 5 p.m. Additional information and fact sheets with the extended deadline can be found online at https://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/ees/Pages/Food/SummerEBT.aspx. Please direct any questions regarding Summer EBT applications or application status to DCF Customer Service at 1-888-369-4777, select either English or Spanish, then select Option 5 for Summer EBT.

  • Attention Rural School Nurses!

    Hello if you are a rural School Nurse, I hope you will take the time to complete this short survey. Please review the letter and click on the hyperlink: 

    I am the NASN Director from Oregon, and I have started a Rural School Nurse Focus Group; the preliminary purposes of a RSN Focus Group will be to share our experiences and support one another. We hope to discover what we know, determine what we need to know, and define needed research into the unique challenges to rural school nurse practice in the rural setting. Ultimately, we hope to describe (and research) effective supports for school nurses practicing in the rural setting.
    As a starting place, I am disseminating an initial survey about rural school nursing practice. When you get a chance, I would love for you to share the Rural School Nurse Focus Group survey with folks from all over Nebraska. In several states where much of school nursing is in rural areas, we have not yet received input.
    After some demographic information questions, the survey asks 7 open-ended questions which nurses may want to reflect upon before taking the survey.
    What does rural school nursing mean to you?
    What is the most important work that we should address?
    What are unique challenges to school nursing practice faced by nurses in rural settings?
    What are some supports you would like to see for rural school nurse practice?
    Do you have a story which exemplifies rural school nursing practice?
    What do you wish school nurse leadership hears about rural school nursing practice?
    Is there something else you would like to add that we have not asked?
    Thanks for supporting this effort by forwarding this email to nurses in your state! :)W


    Wendy Niskanen MEd, RN
    Oregon School Nurses' Association
    Oregon NASN Director
    OSNA Acting Executive Director
    Phone: 603-723-2708
    "... with time, small groups of individuals can create a positive change in the world." 
    Stephanie Van Dyke
    In event you are unable to find the hyperlink attaching a copy here: Rural School Nurse Focus Group Survey
  • 2024 National School Nurse Day Proclamation

    Let's celebrate all school nurses with this National School Nurse Day Proclamation signed by Kansas Governor Laura Kelly! National School Nurse Day is Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Thank you Kansas School Nurses!!

  • 45th Annual Statewide Summer Conference for Kansas School Nurses

    Registration is open! Also, check out our NEW merchandise store! See you in Wichita in July!!

  • New: School Nurse Shout Outs!

    Know a great school nurse? Give them a Shout Out! Shout Outs may be shared at the Annual Statewide Conference for Kansas School Nurses and/or the KSNO website. 

    Click the link to complete a Shout Out form. 

  • NEW! School Nurse Emerging Leader Award Nominations Open

    KSNO is pleased to offer a call for nominations for a newly developed school nurse award this year. We call  it the 2024 KSNO School Nurse Emerging Leader Award.

    The purpose of the 2024 KSNO School Nurse Emerging Leader Award is to emphasize the contribution of Kansas school nurses with one (1) to five (5) years' experience practicing in Kansas. This award recognizes one school nurse who demonstrates leadership in their professional role within the school building, the school district, and/or the state of Kansas. Through this award emerging school nurse leaders will be recognized and membership in KSNO will grow.  


    • Registered professional nurse who has a minimum of one (1) but not greater than five (5) full school years of experience practicing as a school nurse.
    • Evidence is given in a nomination narrative that the nominee has demonstrated leadership in their professional role within the school building, the school district, and/or the state of Kansas.
    • Membership in KSNO/NASN is NOT a requirement to be eligible to be nominated or to receive the School Nurse Emerging Leader award. 

    Here is your chance to recognize and reward a school nurse, in their second through their fifth full years as a school nurse in Kansas, who has emerged as a leader in their building, district, or the state of Kansas. KSNO is offering this recognition regardless of membership in our organization! To nominate a colleague, just read the attached nomination procedure, complete the requested information, and submit a short narrative describing the way the school nurse has demonstrated leadership!  Scoring of nominations will award points for examples from the following areas where applicable to leadership: standards of practice, care coordination, leadership, quality improvement, and community/public health. 

    (Source: NASN's Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice)

    We want to hear from YOU and we want to shine a light on emerging leaders in our school nurse community. This recipient of this award will be recognized at the 2024 Summer School Nurse Conference in Wichita.

    Deadline for nominations is March 31, 2024.

  • 2024 KSNO School Nurse Administrator of the Year Award Nominations Open

    KSNO seeks to emphasize the contribution of Kansas school nurses by recognizing one school nurse and one school nurse administrator each year who demonstrate excellence and professionalism in school nursing practice. We are now accepting nominations for our 2024 School Nurse and School Nurse Administrator of the Year awards. The recipients of these awards will be recognized at the Summer Nurse Conference in July. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS is March 31, 2024.

    Who is eligible for the School Nurse Administrator of the Year award?

    • Registered professional nurse who is a member of KSNO/NASN for the current and preceding five years.
    • Spends at least 50% of contract time in supervisory duties.
    • Must not be on the NASN Board of Directors or NASN officer at the time of nomination.

    What are the nomination criteria? Evidence of excellence and professionalism in school nursing based on the current edition of School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA and NASN). Evaluation of nominees will be scored using the following rubric: 

    • Provider of Client Care 10% 
    • Program Management 20% 
    • Health Education 20% 
    • Professional Development 10% 
    • Political/Legislative Involvement 20% 
    • Community Involvement 10% 
    • Involved in Research 10%

    I know an excellent and professional nurse! How can I nominate a school nurse?

    • Read the School Nurse Administrator of the Year Nomination Procedures attached. Gather the information requested about your nominee and yourself as the nominator. We invite you to include your nominee in the process so you have complete and accurate information.
    • Complete a narrative describing the nominee's contributions to school nursing. Include examples of excellence and professionalism. See the evaluation rubric above to include as many elements as possible in order to get the greatest score for your nominee!
    • Solicit for and include supporting letters. Supporting letters may be from anyone with examples of your nominee's contributions such as school administrators, teachers, parents, students, school nurse peers, and others. 
    • Submission deadline for nominations is March 31, 2024.

    Submit nominations using your choice of one of these three methods: 

    1. email to Katy Carter, KSNO Awards Chair, at kcarter@usd266.com   -OR-
    2. Use the School Nurse Administrator of the Year Online Nomination link:

      Google Forms: Sign-in

    3. Mail to Katy Carter RN, School Nurse

                     Maize South High School

                     3701 N. Tyler,

                     Wichita, KS  67205

    On behalf of the KSNO Board of Directors, we ask that our mailboxes and our inboxes overflow with nominations! There are excellent school nurses all over Kansas who would be honored to receive this award. Let us know who they are through your nominations!

    With respect and anticipation,

    Katy Carter, BSN RN NCSN, Awards Chair

    kcarter@usd266.com for questions!

  • 2024 Kansas School Nurse of the Year Nominations Open

    KSNO seeks to emphasize the contribution of Kansas school nurses by recognizing one school nurse and one school nurse administrator each year who demonstrate excellence and professionalism in school nursing practice. We are now accepting nominations for our 2024 School Nurse and School Nurse Administrator of the Year awards. The recipients of these awards will be recognized at the Summer Nurse Conference in July. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS is March 31, 2024.

    Who is eligible for the School Nurse of the Year award?

    • Registered professional school nurse who is a member of KSNO/NASN for the current and preceding two years.
    • Minimum of five years' experience as a school nurse.
    • Spends at least 50% of contract time in direct care to students.
    • Must not be on the NASN Board of Directors or NASN officer at the time of nomination.

      What are the nomination criteria? Evidence of excellence and professionalism in school nursing based on the current edition of School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA and NASN). Evaluation of nominees will be scored using the following rubric: 

      • Provider of Client Care 10% 
      • Program Management 20% 
      • Health Education 20% 
      • Professional Development 10% 
      • Political/Legislative Involvement 20% 
      • Community Involvement 10% 
      • Involved in Research 10%

      I know an excellent and professional nurse! How can I nominate a school nurse?

      • Read the School Nurse of the Year Nomination Procedures attached. Gather the information requested about your nominee and yourself as the nominator. We invite you to include your nominee in the process so you have complete and accurate information.
      • Complete a narrative describing the nominee's contributions to school nursing. Include examples of excellence and professionalism. See the evaluation rubric above to include as many elements as possible in order to get the greatest score for your nominee!
      • Solicit for and include supporting letters. Supporting letters may be from anyone with examples of your nominee's contributions such as school administrators, teachers, parents, students, school nurse peers, and others. 
      • Submission deadline for nominations is March 31, 2024.

      Submit nominations using your choice of one of these three methods: 

      1. email to Katy Carter, KSNO Awards Chair, at kcarter@usd266.com   -OR-
      2. Use the School Nurse of the Year Online Nomination link:  

          Google Forms: Sign-in

      3.  Mail to Katy Carter RN, School Nurse

                       Maize South High School

                       3701 N. Tyler,

                       Wichita, KS  67205

      On behalf of the KSNO Board of Directors, we ask that our mailboxes and our inboxes overflow with nominations! There are excellent school nurses all over Kansas who would be honored to receive this award. Let us know who they are through your nominations!

      With respect and anticipation,

      Katy Carter, BSN RN NCSN, Awards Chair

      kcarter@usd266.com for questions!

    • KSNO School Administrator of the Year Nominations Open

      Purpose: Administrator of the Year Award

      KSNO wishes to publicly recognize one or more administrators (Superintendent or Principal) during the School Nurse Conference in July in Wichita.


      1. An effective advocate for child/student wellbeing.
      2. An effective advocate for the delivery of school health services to students.
      3. The nominating person should be a current employee of the administrator whom they are nominating.

      Nomination Procedure:

      1. State nominee's name, current position, home/business address, and home/business phone numbers.
      2. State your name, title, home address, and home/business phone numbers.
      3. Provide a one to two-page narrative describing the nominee's role in advocating for child/student wellbeing and/or delivery of school health services to students.

      Application deadline is March 31, 2024.

      Submit application by

      1) email to Katy Carter, RN, School Nurse at kcarter@usd266.com or

      2) mail to Katy Carter, RN, School Nurse Maize South High School 3701 N. Tyler Wichita, Kansas 67205 36