Asthma Resources
Documents created by the School Nurse Advisory Committee (SNAC) to support school nurses in chronic disease management.
CDC--Exhale--Guide for Schools
2019 Asthma Resources
Asthma School Health Intake Form
Asthma IHP-2018 -- printable
Asthma IHP-2018--Fillable
Asthma Emergency Action Plans
Diabetes Resources
Students with Type 1 Diabetes Toolkit
School Nurse Diabetes Management Check List: The School Nurse Advisory Council (SNAC) updated a document, that was created last year, to assist the registered professional school nurse with providing a guide to “evidence based practices (EBP)” in school nursing relative to diabetes management. The checklist notes various strategies in the following areas:
Nursing Assessment and Data Collection
Nursing Diagnosis/IHP/ Goals and Outcomes
The checklist has been successful in identifying areas of evidence based practice that school nurses can implement in their health services program, as they assist students in managing their diabetes.
2017 Diabetes Resources document: Additional information and resources for diabetes management in schools,
Pump Meal Bolus Instructions: This resource contains simplified instructions for operation of insulin pumps was created by Children’s Mercy Hospital in 2017. As changes are frequent with insulin pumps, users are encouraged to seek additional pump operation instructions using the websites provided by the manufacturers.
Diabetes School Health Intake Form
Diabetes IHP-2018
Helping the Student With Diabetes Succeed- A Guide for Schools
ADA- version. Helping Students with Diabetes Succeed at School
504 Plan example
Seizure Disorder Resources
Seizure School Health Intake Form
Seizure IHP-2018
On Demand Seizure Training
First Aid Tools and Posters
Seizure Emergency Action Plans
Supporting Students with Epilepsy: A Toolkit for School Nurses | NASN Learning Center
NASN Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Managing Food Allergies at School
Food Allergies | Healthy Schools | CDC
Kansas Allergy School Health Intake Form
Kansas Meal Modifications at School
Food Allergy Action Plan at
Severe Allergy IHP-2018
Sample Kansas School Agreement for Consulting Pharmacist